Uncomfortable Christmas Family Traditions

Every Family has its own tradition. For this family, very Christmas they will have to add a new tradition and do all their previous tradition. However, grandpa die because of their tradition. What is their new tradition for this year ? let watch below video!

Source: Studio C

Student exams

Two college seniors had a week of exams coming up. They decided to party instead.

Their biggest exam was on Wednesday and they showed up telling the professor that their car had broken down the night before due to a very flat tire and they needed a bit more time to study. The professor told them that they could have another day to study.

That evening, both of the boys crammed all night until they were sure that they knew just about everything. Arriving to class the next morning, each boy was told to go to separate classrooms to take the exam.

Each shrugged and went to two different parts of the building. As each sat down, they read the first question. "For 5 points, explain the contents of an atom."

At this point, they both thought that this was going to be a piece of cake, and answered the question with ease. Then, the test continued.

"For 95 points, tell me which tire it was."

The Special Trained Horse

Jack strode into Jonh’s Stable looking to buy a horse. “Listen here” said Jonh, “I’ve got just the horse that you looking for, the only thing is, he was trained by an interesting fellow. He doesn’t go and stop the usual way. The way to get him to stop is to scream HeyHey and the way to get him to go is to scream Thank God.” Jim noded his head and said” it is fine for me, can I talke him for a test run?”  Jim was speeding down the dirty road when he suddenly saw a cliff up ahead. Then Jim sream “stop!, but the horse kept on going. No matter how much he tried he could not remember the words to get it to stop. “yoyo screamed Jim but the horse just kept on speeding ahead. If was 5 feet from the cliff when Jim suddenly remembered “HeyHey! Jim screamed. The horse skidded to a half just 1 inch from the cliff. Jim could not believe his good fortune, he looked up to the sky, raise his hands in the air, breathed a deep sigh of relief and said with conviction “Thank God!”.